Workflow Cards

Nebula Level and Stage cards have Display cards.

The left button on the Level and Stage cards display the amount of documents that have been placed in each level or stage along with a progress bar of the percent of the batch completed.

The right button on the Level card displays the number of documents in the batch that were bypassed (skipped a level; for example, moved from level 1 to Level 3, bypassing Level 2) or not yet escalated (the documents that have not made it to the specific level yet).

The left button on the Stage card displays the following:

  • Current Size: Number of documents currently assigned to the stage.
  • Pending Check Out: Number of documents that are not in any batch checked out by a reviewer.
  • Currently Batched: Number of documents that are assigned to a reviewer.
  • Completed: Number of documents that have passed the stages Check In Criteria.

Workflow Card Actions

The Action button on Level cards contains the following:

  • Insert Level Above: Opens the Insert Level dialog box.
  • Delete: Opens the Delete Level dialog box.
  • Note: Delete is only available when no stages are present on the level.

The Action button on Stage cards contains the following:

  • Edit: Opens the Edit Stage dialog box.
  • Delete: Opens the Delete Stage dialog box.
  • Note: Delete is only available when no documents are assigned to the stage.

Types of Stages

There are two types of stages:

  • Standard: Appear as white cards on the Workflow page and include in the batch all of the documents meeting the entry router criteria.
  • Quality Control: Appear as black cards on the Workflow page and include in the batch a sample of the documents meeting the selection criteria. The remaining files are handled according to the stage settings – either (a) the documents are immediately routed to the next eligible stage, or (b) the documents wait until the quality control review completes for their associated documents that were sampled.