Reviewer Metrics Report

The Reviewer Metrics Report displays reviewer productivity in Workflow batches.


Reviewer Metrics settings

Reviewer Metrics report as table

Reviewer Metrics report as graph

Reviewer Metrics Calculations

  Sum # Sum %

Delta #

Delta %
Chart total rows
  • Total row main row remains the same.
  • Sum/Delta number is the +/- count for that day, week, and so on.
  • Total row main row remains the same.
  • Sum/Delta percentage is the +/- percentage contributions toward the total count shown in the Totals row for that day/week.
  • Total row main row remains the same.
  • Sum/Delta number is the +/- count for that day, week, and so on.
  • Total row main row remains the same.
  • Sum/Delta percent is the +/- percentage contributions toward the total count displayed in the Totals row for that day/week.
Chart average rows Calculated daily/hourly rates. Percent of reviewers rate over calculated average. Calculated average for a day is 500 documents a day, reviewer X has 400 documents a day, percentage would be 400/500.
  • For Average rows (Hourly and Daily when shown), the Delta data is the difference from the average.
  • Delta number is the +/- count from the "total" average for that day/week (Compare reviewer calculated daily rate to the total average daily rate).

Total average for a day is 500 documents a day, reviewer X has 400 documents a day, percentage would be -100.

  • For Average rows (Hourly and Daily when shown), the Delta data is the difference from the average.
  • Delta percent is the +/- percent variance from the "total" average for that day/week (Compare reviewer calculated daily rate to the total average daily rate).

Total average for a day is 500 documents a day, reviewer X has 400 documents a day, percentage would be -100/500.

Graph values The lines on the graph when Sum is selected is rendered from the data points noted above (Total data). The lines on the graph when the Sum is selected is rendered from the data points noted above (Totals data). The lines on the graphs when Delta is selected is rendered from the data points noted above (Daily rate). The lines on the graphs when Delta is selected is rendered from the data points noted above (Daily rate).
Graph average Average document count that day/week for selected group. Average percentage contribution for that day/week for selected group. N/A = X-axis

N/A = X-axis

Non-review Days are marked as “–“ in the tables.

If there were no reviews done that day (for a specific reviewer / stage) and this are not counted towards averages.


In the following:

Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
10 - 20 - 30

The average is 20.