Nebula Searchable Fields

The following Nebula Searchable Fields table lists all metadata fields available for searching.

Field Type Definition


Text Searching

Searches Document Notes.


Text Searching/Filter

Document type.

Application Category Filter Document category (Email, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, etc.).
Author - Creator

Text Searching/Filter

Author of loose file document.
Author - Last Saved Text Searching Last author of loose file document.
Chat Platform Text Searching Related to Chat metadata.
Chat Thread ID Text Searching Related to Chat metadata.
Collections Filter Batch name that document was processed in.
Comments Text Searching Comments metadata field.
Correspondence Bcc Filter Populated with parsed emails from metadata.
Correspondence Cc Filter Populated with parsed emails from metadata.
Correspondence From Filter Populated with parsed emails from metadata.
Correspondence To Filter Populated with parsed emails from metadata.
Creators Filter Creator metadata field.
Custodians Text Searching/Filter Populated to identify custodian name.
Date App Created Filter Timestamp the document was created.
Date App Modified Filter Timestamp the document was last modified.
Date Family Filter The date of the top parent document in the family, populated to each family member.
Date Nebula Default Filter Default date of the document: Sent date or received date or last modified date or created date.
Date Received Filter Timestamp the document was received.
Date Sent Filter Timestamp the document was sent.
Date System Modified Filter File system date (for loose file data).
Document Category Text Searching Document category (Email, Word Processing, Spreadsheet, etc.).
Document Class Text Searching Document class (Email, EDoc, Email Attachment, etc.).
Document Id Filter Internal name of the document. This is the matter prefix and the zero padded ID.
Document Types Filter Document class (Email, EDoc, Email Attachment, etc.).
Domains Filter List of domains name extracted from From/To/Cc/Bcc.
Domains - Recipients Text Searching The email domain from the To email header.
Domains - Sender (From) Text Searching The email domain from the From email header.
Email Importance Text Searching/Filter Email Importance metadata.
Email Message Class Text Searching Email message class.
Email Message ID Text Searching Email message ID header.
Email Read Status Text Searching Indicactes whether the message was marked as UnRead or not.
Email Sensitivity Text Searching/Filter Email Sensitivity setting assigned to message.
ET - Designation Filter KLD Analytics Email Threading field.
ET - Email Action Filter KLD Analytics Email Threading field.
ET - ID Filter KLD Analytics Email Threading field.
ET - Node ID Filter KLD Analytics Email Threading field.
ET - Node Level Filter KLD Analytics Email Threading field.
ET - Node Path Filter KLD Analytics Email Threading field.
ET - Prefix Filter KLD Analytics Email Threading field.
Exceptions Filter Processing Exceptions.
Export Queue Filter Static folder in Cull.
Family ID Text Searching Document ID of the top most parent of every document family.
File Extension Text Searching/Filter File extension.
File ID Text Searching Internal document type ID.
From/Author Text Searching Combination of Sent From and eDoc Author.
Hash - Body Text Text Searching Extracted Text or OCR of document viewable in Text Viewer.
Hash - MD5 (Forensic) Text Searching MD5 Hash of the document.
ID Filter Internal numeric ID of the document.
Image Page Count Filter Number of pages for a document containing Images.
Internet Headers Text Searching Internet Header field from Email Headers.
Languages Filter Populated after running Language Identification.
Meta Company Text Searching/Filter Organization metadata field.
Meta Tags Text Searching Keywords metadata field.
Metadata Text Searching Searches across metadata fields.
Native Size Filter Native file size.
ND - Duplicate Filter KLD Analytics Near Duplicate Detection field.
ND - Group Filter KLD Analytics Near Duplicate Detection field.
ND - Principal Filter KLD Analytics Near Duplicate Detection field.
ND - Similarity Filter KLD Analytics Near Duplicate Detection field.
NLP Entities Filter Entities detected from running Entity Detection.
NLP Sentiment Score Filter Sentiment score detected from running Sentiment Analysis.
Participants - BCC Text Searching/Filter Email Bcc.
Participants - CC Text Searching/Filter Email Cc.
Participants - Received On Behalf Of Text Searching/Filter Email Received On Behalf Of.
Participants - Sender (From) Text Searching/Filter Email From.
Participants - Sent On Behalf Of Text Searching/Filter Email Sent on Behalf Of.
Participants - To Text Searching/Filter Email To.
Produced Bates Filter Bates number for documents produced from Nebula.
Productions Filter Production folder Names.
Providers Filter List of provider field names.
Raw Data Text Searching Specific Metadata fields.
Read Status Filter Email metadata if message was read or not (if available).
Review Folders Filter Legacy Batching folder names.
Reviewer Imports Filter Name of Document Imports.
Source Container Text Searching Name of the source container of the document (eg. Zip file or PST file).
Source Folder Text Searching Name of the folder containing the document. It can be either a physical directory or a folder within an archive or PST.
Source File Name Text Searching Original filename of the document.
Source Path Text Searching Original full path of the document.
Subject Text Searching Email Subject.
Subject/Title Text Searching Combination of Email Subject and Document Title.
Subject - Normalized Text Searching Thread topic (used for sorting threads).
Template Text Searching Template metadata field.
Text Size Text Searching/Filter Size of the extracted text or OCR text.
Thread Index Text Searching Thread Index (used for sorting threads).
Time Zone Text Searching Timezone used for data processing represented as Central Standard Time, Eastern DayLight Savings Time, etc.
Timeline Filter Dates pulled from Default Date.
Title Text Searching Title of loose file document.
Tracking ID Filter Populated to identify Tracking ID.