Promotions (Review)

The Explore by Promotions page displays documents added to Review by ingestion, cull export, or preprocessed data.

To view the Explore by Promotions page

  • Do one of the following:
  • In the Nebula menu bar, click Review > Explore > Promotions.
  • In the Explore pane on the Nebula dash board, click Promotions.

To view the documents in a promotion set

  1. On the Explore by Custodian Promotions pagte, click the Name of the promotion set you want view.
  2. Note: Click All Documents to view all documents in the repository.

    The Document List displays the documents in the promotion set.

To edit the name or description of a collection

  1. In the Explore by Promotions list, locate the collection you want to edit.
  2. Click its Action icon and select Edit.
  3. On the Edit dialog box, edit the Name and Description accordingly.
  4. Click OK.

To create an HTML Collection

  1. In the Explore by Promotions list, locate the collection you want to work with.
  2. Click its Action icon and select HTML Collection.
  3. On the Html Documents dialog box, select its Distribution Chunks.
  4. To ignore existing HTML documents, select Ignore Existing.
  5. Click OK.

To detect language

  1. In the Explore by Promotions list, locate the collection you want to work with.
  2. Click its Action icon and select Run Language ID.
  3. On the Run Language ID dialog box, select the following information on the Language Options tab:
    • Max Text Snippet Size: 10 KB to 20 MB
    • Language Probability: 0.05 to 0.99.
    • Detection Mode: Single or Multiple.
    • Select to Detect OCRed Documents. Clear to include.
    • Detect Languages in only undetected documents or all documents.
    • Min File Size: 10 Bytes to 300 Bytes.
    • Short to Normal Threshold: 50 Bytes to 1000 Bytes.
    • Select to Ignore Spreadsheets. Clear to include.
  4. Click Ok.

To create an OCR collection

  1. In the Explore by Promotions list, locate the collection you want to work with.
  2. Click its Action icon and select OCR Collection.
  3. On the OCR Collection dialog box, select the following:
    • Items
    • Priority
    • Language profile
  4. Click Ok.