AutoRedact Jobs

The AutoRedact Jobs list in Nebula contains a history of all jobs using automatic redaction. Here you can view detailed information about each job, as well as:

  • Pause jobs that are in progress; for example, to stop a job that you may no longer need or to prioritize another job.
  • Rollback jobs and remove any existing redactions from a completed job.
  • Note: If you accidentally rollback a job, re-run the same job through the Redact Documents page to return to the results.

To view the AutoRedact Jobs page

  1. Click Review >Admin > AutoRedact.
  2. In the AutoRedact Jobs list, view the following:
  3. Column


    Status Current status of the job.
    Job Type How the redaction is to be applied.

    Location where the job originated from:

    ATTRIBUTE: From Explore By (such as Tags)

    SEARCH: From a saved search document list

    Markup Set Label of the markup set applied in the redaction.
    Patterns The pattern(s) selected.
    Documents Number of documents in the job.
    Pages Total number of pages of the documents in the job.
    Hits Total number of documents that have a hit on the pattern(s).
    Redactions Total number of redactions in the job.
    Exceptions Total number of exceptions in the job.
    Submitted Date Date and time the job was started.
    Updated Date Date and time the job was finished.

To rollback an AutoRedact job

  1. In the AutoRedact Jobs list, select the job(s) you want to rollback.
  2. Click the Action icon in the AutoRedact Jobs menu bar or in the row of a selected job and select Rollback.

To reprocess an AutoRedact job

  1. In the AutoRedact Jobs list, select the job(s) you want to reprocess .
  2. Click the Action icon in the AutoRedact Jobs menu bar or in the row of a selected job and select Reprocess .
  3. On the Reprocessing Options dialog box, select if you want to Overwrite Existing Redactions, then click Start.

To pause an AutoRedact job

  1. In the AutoRedact Jobs list, select the job(s) with the Status of EXECUTING you want to pause .
  2. Click the Action icon in the AutoRedact Jobs menu bar or in the row of a selected job and select Pause.
  3. The job Status is now PAUSED.

To resume a paused AutoRedact job

  1. In the AutoRedact Jobs list, select the job(s) with the Status of PAUSE you want to resume.
  2. Click the Action icon in the AutoRedact Jobs menu bar or in the row of a selected job and select Resume.
  3. The job Status is now PAUSED.

To open the AutoRedact Patterns page from the AutoRedact Jobs page

  • In the AutoRedact Jobs menu bar, click .